
How companies are making money by recommend system

Not that long ago, people lived and functioned in tight communities. Every vendor knew their customers personally and could make...

AI Simplified: Machine Learning problem types

The unprecedented explosion in the amount of information we are generating and collecting, thanks to the arrival of the internet and the ...

Why today’s retail banks need AI to win

Competition in retail banking may be more intense than ever as FinTechs and new market entrants fight with established players for...

Delivering next best action with Artificial Intelligence

Not that long ago, people lived and functioned in tight communities. Every vendor knew their customers personally and could make...

How do you develop a robust backend for your MVP?

Developing a Robust Backend for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) When it comes to developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), having a robust backend is crucial for the success of your product. Your backend is what powers your application, and it’s responsible for storing and retrieving data, managing user authentication and authorization, and handling complex […]




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